Friday, September 30, 2011

Week of 25 September

We have completed another week of school and it does not cease to amaze me how the students are growing.  I can not impress upon you all enough the importance of working with your students at this age.... This is the age where they are like little sponges and absorb everything.   Do not forget the yard sale is tomorrow and picture retake for the year book is next week. Enjoy your little ones this weekend.

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 23

     We finished our first week of  our apple unit. The students really enjoyed the activities this week and they also gain quite a bit of new knowledge. We conclude the week with an apple taste test and composing a graph of the apple we liked best. Talk to them at the different kinds of apples and the parts of an apple. Remember the school's book fair is now in full swing!!!! Newsletters and calendars will be sent out the end of next week. Have a great weekend....

Friday, September 16, 2011

Greeting Parents

We had an awesome week. The students completed a unit on the alphabet and we constructed lots of activities. I think the activity of the week was the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom headbands. Continue to practice name writing and basic skills with your child.  Enjoy your weekend!!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Just a note....

Hope you all enjoyed your extended break with your little ones. We finished our introduction unit on numbers this week. Ask your child about the story Chicka Chicka 1,2,3, and about the tree they made. Next weeks unit is letters and we will follow that unit with a unit on apples. Thanks for all you do and continue to talk with your child about the importance of listening and following rules.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Upcoming Holiday

There is no school this Friday or Monday.  Enjoy your time with your little ones and continue to review routines and rules for our class.  we are still having some issues with the students listening and following rules.  If the issues continue, we will schedule a conference with you and the principal to discuss measures to assist in correcting the issue.  Thanks for all you do!!!